We're beyond excited about our newest photo jewelry collection featuring floral photos by some pretty amazing photographers. The first photographer we are introducing to you this month is Foterra Fotogapher Conner Trimble! You might be familiar with his work. We've collaborated with Connor on a few other pieces showcasing his wave photography and his drone work. Now we're diving up close into his world of macro photography featuring the tropical florals of Hawaii. We recently sat down with Connor to ask him all about his photography and what inspires him.
How did you get started in photography?
When I was younger, my Mom had a DSLR, which I loved to take to shoot photos of flowers and sports. Then in high school, I was in yearbook and really enjoyed shooting photos, but was much more into painting. Finally, in college, I got a GoPro and started shooting wave photos at Sandys and making videos. This is right when Instagram was taking off, I'd just moved to Hawaii, and people liked my shots, so I kept taking photos with the GoPro until I got a DSLR for Christmas. I started immediately interning for the University of Hawaii at Manoa's Athletic Department, shooting sports, and the rest is history. I was hooked, kept progressing, testing different styles, and eventually started my own production company out of graduation. Now here I am, 5+ years later, freelancing capturing photos, videos, and traveling the world doing what I love.
What do you enjoy most about the medium?
I love having the ability to stop a moment in time at the press of a button and preserve it forever. There's something so poetic and incredible having that ability and then capturing the moment from my own unique and artistic perspective.
What's your favorite season to photograph?
All of them! I love shooting everything! If I had to answer, then I'd say Winter in the Northern Hemisphere because there are crazy waves on the North Shore of Oahu, and then I can catch a flight and shoot snow!
What's the most exciting place you've photographed?
Hands down Banzai Pipeline on the North Shore of Oahu. The waves get so big that when it crashes, the ground shakes hundreds of yards away; they sound like an avalanche and the way the waveforms are so beautiful. The raw energy and power I've experienced in the water are incredible, and to see guys get huge barrels in monstrous waves is absolutely astonishing.
What makes a visually compelling photograph?
I think this is different for every person! For me, a photo that makes you truly "feel" something deep down to the core is what makes a photo genuinely compelling. This could be excitement, sadness, humor, deeply inspired, or so many different things, but no matter what, a compelling photo makes you "feel."
What is the best photo tip you got when you were first starting out?
Shoot, shoot, and shoot some more! Try lots of different techniques and really put in the hours to learn how to get the most out of your equipment. Knowledge is power in photography, and the best way to learn is by being hands-on, and that means putting the hours in shooting and editing.
I LOVE Connor Trimble’s photography AND the inclusion of his art pieces into Foterra Foto Jewelry. I own “wave” pieces, and am now excited about his new, vibrant floral works! The jewelry pieces are well made, and very durable. Awesome to own!
I have purchased these before at the Paper Store. I was disappointed that they didn’t have them so I searched and found your site. My wife lost one of her earrings last year so I surprised her with these!
May 18, 2020
I LOVE Connor Trimble’s photography AND the inclusion of his art pieces into Foterra Foto Jewelry. I own “wave” pieces, and am now excited about his new, vibrant floral works! The jewelry pieces are well made, and very durable. Awesome to own!